May I introduce to you...


As many of you know, I have partnered on a number of projects with my friend and colleague, Linda Ford. Together we have written a book, created an online video program called Confidence in a Box, and created a FREE Pandemic video series to help people navigate uncertain times in the age of COVID19. 

Currently, we are working on a new Free video series centered around the issue of Love and Relationships as well as a program geared toward Coaches. All this to say…it is beyond time for you to get to know Linda.

So, to this end, Linda and I put together a short little video in which she shares a bit of her journey as a coach, reveals the ONE thing she wished people knew about Confidence, and finally, shares with us her favorite movie and why it’s her favorite.

There are lots of goodies within this video that are not to be missed. So sit back and tuck in.

Ladies and gentlemen…may I introduce to you, my friend and work partner, Linda.

Lana Bastianutti