Lana B Coaching

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Save The Drama For Your Mama

Cartoon by my daughter

I was thinking about this expression the other day and wondering who in the world came up with it and why?

My first reaction was a sarcastic, “well, yeah, that figures – leave the hard stuff for the women.”

But then I thought about it.

And then I thought some more.

And the more I thought about it, the more I realized that this innocent, flippant silly expression actually cuts to a very real truth about women.

Women are beautifully equipped to handle the “drama.”

We tend to accept and even embrace the full spectrum of human emotions.

We don’t shy away.

We allow.

And by allowing, we permit another to be.

To be mad, sad, frustrated, scared, tearful, fearful, exasperated, excited, joyful, exuberant, silly and reflective.

By allowing all of the drama and the “bad stuff”, we also allow in the “good stuff”.

We accept the gift of knowing a whole person.

So yeah, I’m willing to take a little drama…and perhaps give a little in return.