Lana B Coaching

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The Air We Breathe

A little reminder…

Thought is like air; intangible and formless and free-flowing.

It is a creative energy that moves through our minds continuously.

We don’t always see thought this way, however.

Thought can seem heavy and real and very very tangible.

Much like air can turn to ice, so too can thought, metaphorically.

When thought turns to ice, in our minds, we no longer experience the free-flowing energy. Rather, we experience a slow-building ice wall that gathers in form as it whittles away at the possibility of our lives.

In such moments, thought no longer appears formless. It seems fully formed and imposing; it can literally take our breath away.

But it only takes one breath to restore air to lungs, and it only takes one thought to restore clarity to minds.

And with such a breath,

and such a thought,

the ice walls evaporate and we are free once again to realize,

Thought is like is formless and intangible and free-flowing.

For those new coaches looking for guidance in creating the building blocks to your practice, I have been working on a Confident Coach Program with my colleague Linda Ford. In the following interview, we talk about our own experience with coaching and how our exploration of the topic of confidence lead to a book and now two online Programs. Our upcoming program designed specifically for coaches will be released at the end of the month. In the meantime, here is the interview: